Grade Level Information

Behavior Plan
For daily classroom management, our system will be fairly simple. Classroom Dojo will be used to record any behavior issues on a daily basis. Each student will receive warnings prior to any point deductions.  Students will be given the opportunity to correct the behavior and earn positive points throughout the day.  If a student requires several warnings he/she will lose points specific to the behavior.  After a child has already lost points for negative behavior, and he/she continues to display inappropriate behavior, they will lose additional points.  Parents can sign up for Classroom Dojo to view their students point total at anytime and view the actions that has earned or lost him/her points. Students have received a code to sign up and create an account. If your child has lost the code and didn’t sign up, let me know and I can get you another code.
Anytime a student looses 4 or more points during a school day a parent will be contacted via telephone and/or email. If at any time, a student’s behavior is highly disruptive and/or very inappropriate, the child may be referred to administration for consequences.  This is a rare occurrence and likely correlates with a behavior listed on the Springwood Elementary Discipline Plan.
Rewards and consequences will be used.  Students may receive free play, computer time, game time, etc. for positive behavior.  Students will receive consequences for inappropriate behaviors.  Consequences may include, but are not limited to, lunch detention, a call to parents, loss of free play, loss of participation in reward activities, and/or field trips.  

Grading Policy
Unit/Chapter Tests:  60%
Mid Chapter Check Points/Science Lesson Assessments/Spelling Tests: 20%
Classwork:  15%*
Homework:  5%*

Grading Scale
90-100  A
80-89  B
70-79  C
60-69  D
59 and below  F

*:  Please note that Classwork and Homework will typically be checked for completion, allowing for full credit, and not necessarily for accuracy.  Work that is not turned in or is incomplete will receive no credit.  Completed work that is submitted to the teacher within 72 hours of being assigned may be awarded half credit.

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